Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"I'm wasn't fat! "

Today in class we were working on creating timelines of the students' lives. I was working with one of my precious angels trying to help him draw himself when he was born...otherwise known as a baby. I was helping and all of a sudden he is crying and yelling "NO!!" I don't know why he is crying so in my most sympathetic voice I could find I ask him what is the matter. He says, "You made me fat, I wasn't fat when I was a baby!" And he was dead serious!

I tried so hard not to laugh, but looking at my drawing of a baby in a blanket I had to because it was pretty pathetic and I guess he was right, the baby was on the hefty side. Of course me laughing opened up another can of worms because he thought I was laughing at him. I had to explain to him I was laughing at my drawing and how bad it was.

I am considering writing a book of what comes out of the mouths of my babes.


JulieMonte said...

You can draw. You were on the winning team when we played pictionary (no thanks to Kaite's dog/wolf/hippo).

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

haha true...but apparently I'm not good enough to draw a skinny baby.

Megan Kuemmerlin said...

haha true...but apparently I'm not good enough to draw a skinny baby.

Katie said...

Hey!!! No fair calling me out in mixed company!! It was a very well detailed dog/wolf/hippo thank you very much.